Sunday, December 27, 2009

Flash Rugby Not REALLY A Question, Other Than Is Aussie54 A Cowardly ****? In Response To Women Playing Union Rugby?

Not REALLY a question, other than is Aussie54 a cowardly ****? In response to Women playing union rugby? - flash rugby

They simply have no choice but to your comments ... Firstly, women and men of rugby are completely different ... Rugby is that there still is real ... News Flash ... Women play in international competition. We have a team of several club-mens completetly the various funds and all ... This is not our problem. see us as a resource (who played most of us girls and boys more) and a means to promote the sport further. in the different states is a new sport here, nobody really knows about it because no TV. If the request for treatment in the i like men because they are so competative, and treat us well. As for the comments of lesbians, is the largest part of our team but striaght if we can break the stigma dykey, reach more women to play rugby ... and thus less dependent on men ... oh, and have a total of 10 calendar links ... and half a year is really sure why they are $ 10. There is nothing wrong with being gay and playing

1 comment:

Amanda B said...

I played rugby and Australian Rules Football, and I agree with your comments. I think it's a sexist pig Aussie54 and jealous that the girls better than he could in a sport in general as a sport "is well known see," Good luck to you and every woman, the rugby or sports for men dominated play.

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