Saturday, December 12, 2009

Symptom Broken Capillaries On The Chest Mild Lupus, But When It Acts Up...what Am I Doing Wrong?

Mild lupus, but when it acts up...what am I doing wrong? - symptom broken capillaries on the chest

Treatment of good nutrition, exercise, taking Plaquenil soft etc. My Lupus "" kind, but I still have something that happens ".

I was actually quite good, and I then the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis with swollen joints and rheumatoid nodules red. My face feels like it's burning in her cheeks, and there are many little red broken capillaries on the face. It needs more Dermablend cover-up makeup to cover my red marks.

I'm frustrated, because it always seems that I am dealing with one symptom after another and wondering what I was doing wrong. If you are a patient, and lupus, there is nothing that you know triggers your flares?

I know, I know ... could be worse, but if I have all these symptoms I had in the last 3 years is a long list ...

1 comment:

mgunnyca... said...

First, there is no such thing as "mild" lupus. They have it or not. SLE is a progressive disease, meaning that the signs and symptoms worsen in the course of time. Since they seem to have more symptoms than I would say this is a concern that the lupus is flaring, and you may need steroids to calm the flames. Are you seen by a rheumatologist? You called her and told her of his increased symptoms? This is very important that an outbreak may help early to prevent further damage to organs such as stopping the kidneys. Take time to his dismissal lupus like "soft". I am sure you have this from a health professional in the line somewhere heard, and say they were completely wrong. Good luck to you

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