Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pokemon Resistances Chart Are Pokemon Cards For Collecting Only, Or Is There A Game You Can Play With Them?

Are Pokemon cards for collecting only, or is there a game you can play with them? - pokemon resistances chart

My son is 6 years old and in great Pokemon cards, but do not really know what to do with them, in addition to his collection. What is the significance of the HP, weakness, resistance, etc. removed.
Does anyone know a good website for reference?

1 comment:

Jim said...

is a list of all the cards here -

Here is a page that shows you how to play -> C ...

and a site that I believe that education is much more detailed, like play-> ...

Pikachu can do if an attack that causes damage, its 10 Metapod has ... let's say, 50 HP (health points), have then after the attack, only 40 hp Metapod

Low in the acceptance of zero HP, Metapod

If my Metapod is weak to have the fire, and say ... 80, Charmander, and uses a fire attack damage to 20, it will certainly damage doubles and 40 of my hp away (I had 40 hp left)

Squirtle if my fire strong and has 40 horses and Charmander uses a fire attack damage of 20, is only half the damage to my Squirtle, because it is resistant to fire. Therefore, my Squirtle losing only 10 HP from the attack and was left with 30 hp

if we withdraw, it TakEngineer your main Pokémon battles (fight one at a time, usually) before the seat of action, and put it in the bank and put another pokemon in the seat of action. To take advantage of the attacks, you need energy for your Pokemon cards attached. Try running the energy, the cards. Maps provide information on energy How many tickets are required.

in case of attack a (face-orange) "fight" and Energy (cataracts) requires "normal" energy - you can use a beam of energy or any other place to normal, it just means you need less energy to fight mounted in order to use this attack

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